Starts 04/13/2024 08:30 (Saturday)
Ends 04/13/2024 15:30 (Saturday) Eastern Standard Time
Duration 7h
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By popular demand, we are bringing the FREE Black Health Matters Spring Health Summit & Expo series to Washington, DC! It will be held at the Kellogg Conference Center, 800 Florida Ave., N.E. on Saturday, April 13, from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Join actor Lamman Rucker and NBC4’s Jessica Faith and get FREE health screenings, including A1c, hypertension, glucose, cholesterol, memory, body & muscle, metabolic rate and more…
Hear from healthcare providers, community leaders, health and wellness experts, and influencers on all things related to Black Health AND get an energizing workout with Dashaun Johnson, the “Guru of Abs.” Enjoy FREE breakfast, lunch, and great prize drawings, all while being inspired to be your healthiest! Register to attend in-person or virtually here:, and discover why #blackhealthstartshere!