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Kenya is a prominent classic savanna safaris destination due to the dramatic extremes and notable contrasts that ranges from deserts, forests, alpine snows, and open plains. Nairobi metropolis, freshwater bodies, colorful tribal cultures, and coral reefs. Kenya is still East Africa’s microcosm according to many tourists. Kenya’s wildlife safaris have been on the top as a tourist destination for decades. Kenya’s other tourist activities include, hot air balloon at Masai Mara, hiking Mount Kenya, and snorkeling in Malindi located on the Indian Ocean coast.

Masai Mara National park

The Masai Mara National park is Kenya’s top tourist destination and the most famed national park. Each year that passes by Masai Mara National park is the most visited by thousands of travelers who come to experience the exceptional population of game drives and the annual great migration of millions of zebras and the wildebeest. The “Great annual Migration of the wildebeest and zebras” takes place early from July to October.

Tsavo national park

Tsavo national park is the Kenyan largest national park and among the worlds’ largest national parks. Due to Tsavo national park’s size, it was divided into, that is to say, Tsavo West national park and Tsavo East national park. Tsavo West national park is characterized by endless spectacular sceneries and the rolling volcanic landscape while Tsavo East national park is characterized by open savannah grassland. Tsavo National Park is the best destination in Kenya for privacy and solitude as well as exploring the wilderness.

Aberdare National park

Aberdare national park is situated on the slopes of the Aberdare Mountains, Aberdare national park accommodates all the rolling hills and ravines that are responsible for the pristine reserve. Aberdare national park comprises of high altitude that has frequent rains, cacophonous waterfalls, and sprawling forests for exploration by visitors. Aberdare national park’s ever-green lush environment protects the bountiful wildlife species such as bird species, it offers more than250 bird species. Most visitors, however, most travelers attracted by the high population of the endangered black African rhinoceroses that keep roaming in the park.

Amboseli national park

Amboseli National Park is a small national park situated just close to the Tanzania border within the foothill of Mountain Kilimanjaro Africa’s highest mountain, Amboseli national park is notable for being an ideal destination in Africa that brings travelers closer to huge herds of elephants, the local Maasai people and endless spectacular views of Mountain Kilimanjaro

Nairobi national park

Nairobi National Park is located within Nairobi metropolitan which is 10 minutes’ drive from Nairobi city, only being separated from the national park wildlife fence from the metropolis. Nairobi’s beautiful skyscrapers can be viewed from Nairobi national park. Despite its distance from Nairobi city and the small size of Nairobi national park, Nairobi National Park offer a large wildlife population. Zebra and wildebeest Migrants gather at Nairobi national park during the dry season, and Nairobi national park is Kenya’s second-best home for rhinoceros.

Lake Nakuru national park

Lake Nakuru is a shallow lake situated in central Kenya. Lake Nakuru protects the abundance of algae which attracts huge quantities of lesser pink flamingos, sometimes approximately more than one million pink flamingos at once. People termed it as the greatest bird spectacle bird species on earth, Kenya’s flamingos are a top attraction.

Mount Kenya national park

Mountain Kenya is Kenya’s highest mountain and Africa’s second-highest mountain after mountain Kilimanjaro. Mountain Kenya offers panoramic sight views. Mount Kenya has peak series that are crowned with white snow, and its lower slopes are occupied with forests.  Mount Kenya stands at 5199 meters above sea level.

Hell’s gate national park

Hell’s Gate National Park is a small national park that was named after the narrow cliff had broken, it used to be a tributary as a prehistoric lake that used to be a source of water for early humans in the Rift Valley. It is the most unique wildlife national park in Kenya. Travelers are allowed to take a walk or cycle on their own without a guide. Hell’s gate national park offers dramatic sceneries, gorges, steep cliffs, and basalt columns. Hell’s gate national park protects a variety of wildlife species, although, fewer in number. Hell’s gate national park wildlife species include cheetahs, lions, and leopards.

Malindi Marine National park

Malindi marine national park is a sprawling marine park situated off the coast of Malindi along the Indian ocean that is worth visiting. Malindi marine national park offers beautiful beaches within the coastline, this national park is rich in protecting and preserving a variety of ecosystems that are endemic to the ocean. And the first marine part was established in Africa.

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